A report on TILTS' history and activities is available here (PDF file, in Latvian)

Sveiki! Welcome to TILTS!

TILTS is incorporated in the USA as a non-profit organization with the objective to foster Latvian culture and education. The English translation of TILTS is BRIDGE, symbolizing the building of a bridge for cultural interaction and enrichment between Latvians in Latvia and those residing abroad.

TILTS is a global organization, and our membership is not limited or related to any specific geographical location.

TILTS is a member of the Latvian American Association, the Latvian Foundation and the Council of Latvian organizations in New York.

Our major goals at TILTS are to:

  • foster the appreciation of the Latvian language, ethnic traditions, history and culture,
  • promote Latvian culture among Americans of Latvian descent by arranging cultural events and by recognizing contributors to this culture,
  • form a bridge for cultural interaction between Latvians in Latvia and those abroad,
  • disseminate information in America pertaining to Latvia and its achievements, and
  • foster the preservation of Latvian identity, placing particular emphasis on support of schools and youth in Latvia.

Current TILTS activities

  • TILTS is currently the main organization that organizes tours of Latvian and other artists in America, including classical and popular music, theater, and literature readings.
  • 2–4 tours are organized per year, where tours consist of 2–10 events.
  • The TILTS board (43) provides a wide network of contacts in America and Latvia; members help organize tours and provide ideas and support for TILTS' activities.
  • Activities include projects for cultural support both in America and in Latvia. One or more members of the board assume responsibility for individual undertakings (for example, concert tours or the Exceptional Young Artists Fund); they do all the necessary work with the support of the rest of the board. Activities thus largely depend on the initiative of the respective board members.
  • Some projects can be ongoing (for example, our Latvian school improvement program); while others are for specific tasks (for example, the computerization of the National History Museum of Latvia, completed in 1999).
  • TILTS cooperates with Latvian state institutions (Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to the USA, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Latvia to the UN, Ministry of Culture of Latvia) as well as with PBLA, ALA, Daugavas Vanagi, and Latvian associations and foundations in the USA and Latvian organizations in Canada.

Please follow the menu items for more information or to visit our site in Latvian. For more information on our activities, read our most recent annual review.

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An important webinair hosted by AABS on Monday, March 10th at 12 pm. Registration information below.  2025 Mar 04
An outstanding article with an historical perspective that sheds light on Ukraine's current situation. “This war isn’t just about borders—it’s about #Ukraine’s right to shape its own future.” Jaak Treiman, Estonia's honorary consul in California.  2025 Mar 04
THURSDAY, MARCH 6 at 8:30 pm (ET) on ZOOM (registration required - information below) Thank you Estonian American National Council - Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides!  2025 Mar 04
🙏Sēru vēsts Andris Vilks (1957 – 2025) Mūžībā devies ilggadējais Latvijas Nacionālās bibliotēkas direktors, grāmatvēsturnieks, bibliogrāfs, vadošais bibliotēku nozares eksperts Andris Vilks. Viņa piemiņai vienmēr stipra būs Gaismas pils!  2025 Feb 27
PALDIES, ALJA!!!  2025 Feb 25
Slava Ukraini! 🙏#supportukraine  2025 Feb 24
An outstanding article with an historical perspective that sheds light on Ukraine's current situation. “This war isn’t just about borders—it’s about #Ukraine’s right to shape its own future.” Jaak Treiman, Estonia's honorary consul in California.  2025 Mar 04
🙏Sēru vēsts Andris Vilks (1957 – 2025) Mūžībā devies ilggadējais Latvijas Nacionālās bibliotēkas direktors, grāmatvēsturnieks, bibliogrāfs, vadošais bibliotēku nozares eksperts Andris Vilks. Viņa piemiņai vienmēr stipra būs Gaismas pils!  2025 Feb 27
Slava Ukraini! 🙏#supportukraine  2025 Feb 24

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